From:                              Si Spot []

Sent:                               07 February 2012 15:17

To:                                   Buckley, Teresa

Subject:                          RE: Council Meeting - 8/2/2012


Dear Councillors


Below is a message from Angela.  She has a learning disability.  It took her a long time to say what she wanted to say to you.  The cuts to Adult Social Care will have a devastating effect on services.  So please read Angela’s message.  One person – worried about hundreds of other people – asking YOU for support.


“This is terrible.  The cuts will stop people from doing things and meeting their friends.  People will be very lonely and worried.  They will not be safe.  It is not fair.  We should be equal.  We have our rights too.  Please help people like me.  We need more money to help keep important services.  Do not make us miss out.  Do not hurt people who need your help.”




